Pop songs tell us in their lyrics often what we should do – or just not. They deal with problems and crisis and give advice for our life. Although music and text are often banal and commercial, pop songs pretend to deal with essential questions and to offer solutions. In contrast to the ease and variety of pop songs, opera songs have something very formal and show a great severity and authority. In “100 song titles ” these contrary musical forms of expression clash together. An opera singer impovises to the words of 100 song titles which begin with the word “Don’t” – an advice to not do something. To this „order“ to omit something – sometimes also tied up with the advice to do, instead, something else – dignity and authority is lent by the austere appearance of a classically trained opera singer, which a pop song lacks, and thus strengthens the clarity of the content´s message. In addition, new connections come up by the sequence of the titles – a strange monologue originates.