Location: Medrar For Contemporary Art
Date – Time: 1-16 Dec 4-9 pm
“Body-oddy-oddy-oddy: Destabilizing the Surveilling of Queer Bodies” explores the nature of how we understand our bodies, the ways in which we “queer” the body, and performative nature of how we explore our identities in mediated space. The work challenges the supremacy of normative human body-to-body contact, by exploring the role that a hybrid human-object-virtual encounter might pose for alternative forms of intimacy and exchange. The use of self-surveillance as a strategy of making and being is critical to our understanding of contemporary bodily experiences in the piece. The lens, the camera, video as both electronic mirror and surveyor, the scanner, generative A.I., and motion capture technology construct the performance of identity—who we are as hybrids and how we exploit our self-awareness and positions. The future is undoubtedly queer, and it’s one hell of a party.