CINEVID Theater by architect: Samir El Kordy
The contemporary visual characteristics of Cairo could be made of inconsistencies, contradictions and exceptions that have become almost traditions. It’s stimulating how people are exposed to totally random visual idiom where informational registers from modernization, power, ideology, religion, politics, commerce, culture, ethnicity, sexuality to media are immersing and infiltrating the urban substance.
The excessive transformations of the video have altered the way we see and perceive reality; its impact almost pervades everything. It has become a general language in popular culture.
Video-making is a constant montage of oneself with the possibility of its maker to always cultivate radical change in the form of exposure and expression towards the outer world in a relatively short duration of time.
The video-making has become an instant language. Its medium is on the process of becoming a tradition rather than an exception.
By emphasizing, amplifying, expanding and intensifying the cinematic spatial experience of video screening inside the movie theater from only few weeks during Cairo Video Festival into a perpetual potential fertilization during the entire year, the video could become part of movie theaters rather than art entities.
Going to movie theaters and seeing screening for video installations where you could watch videos before and after the movies or could be curated independently from the movies program, will boost the unprecedented new invented architectural model of (Cinema-Video) CINEVID Theater.
In every movie theater, there will be looping video installations or designated compartments for video screening.
Once the video infiltrates the movie theater, the video-making could be deeply affected by being exposed to diverse flows of audience, leading to strident transformations in its experimentation, duration, speed, content, and aesthetics.